The Timor Sea and the Southern and Indian Oceans
provide winter habitat for whales seeking refuge from the
harsh Antarctic winters. During the summer months, these
whales return to their ancestral Antarctic feeding habitat
where modern technologies are being used to atrociously
hunt these intelligent, air-breathing mammals beyond the
brink of extinction. Hunting and killing of whales in the
Antarctic and Southern Ocean and politico-economic rape
of the Australian coastal environment is compromising the
future of humanity, biological diversity, whale conservation
and the sustainability of all marine oriented commerce. Let's
ensure that we never suffer marine pollution catastrophes
that are occurring elsewhere. Whale-watching depends
upon whales being un-afraid of people in boats. In stark
contrast, whale-hunting causes whales to be afraid of
people in boats. Thus, whaling in all oceans of the planet
should cease in order that whales will survive and will
continue to be enjoyed by future generations of humanity.
Along Western Australia's coastline, water levels are
noticeably rising due to global warming caused by Green
House Gas Emissions which in turn are being generated by
expanding global economies. These are extinguishing
human, animal and vegetation life of our
planet ( Issue 12 Dec 2006/Jan
2007; pp48-59).This is causing horrors and tragedies to all
human and other life of our planet. These disasters are
worsening as human populations continue to expand.
The scheme to trade or tax Green House Gas Emissions
within Australia will represent a step in salvaging a future
for our children. Such a topic should never be used as a
political toy in any nation. Although, Australia's international
contribution to gaseous emissions is relatively trivial in
global terms, Australia's reputation for innovation and
example is being magnified on the World stage by the
adoption of a national scheme. In turn this is establishing a
green economy based on the two infrastructures of re-
newable energy generation and on the National Broadband
Network now being installed by the Australian Government.
Additionally, the NBN is a cost-effective National asset.
These two infrastructures are generating ecologically
sustainable socio-economic benefits that are an investment
in our children's future. Social benefits especially to country
people are relatively cheap, digital TV and internet services.
The accelerating extermination of all life on our
planet represents generally ignored humanitarian crises.
These are being caused by un-precedented numbers of
people that have never yet before been in occupation of our
planet. This latter fact is not being addressed by climate-
change sceptics. Thus global warming together with over-
population and over-exploitation of the planet's finite
resources are moral issues that demand multi-lateral
resolution by all of humanity collectively with its leaders in
commerce, science, politics, religions and cultures. All have
the abilities to reverse over-population of the planet. This
can be achieved in agreement with the holy writings of
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